前兩天Dr Dain直播中說明關於選擇的重要性及可能性,阿貓我擷取了前面10多分鐘的重點摘要,提供給大家參考~~~ 後面的部分,等我有空再來摘錄!!!!
AC tools show you that you can change things right now. You don't have to wait to be able to change !
What have you decided and defined the choice is that it isn't? Everything that is, times a godzillion, would you destroy and uncreate all ? P & P
你決定並定義了什麼樣的選擇非如你所想的? 所有乘以比天曉得的更多倍,你是否願意通通摧毀、撤銷、並永不再創造? P&P。
What you have decided "Choice isn't that it actually is". Everything that is, times a godzillion, would you destroy and uncreate all ? P & P
你所決定的"選擇並非如實所想",所有乘以比天曉得的更多倍,你是否願意通通摧毀、撤銷、並永不再創造? P&P。
What do you have to pretend that you don't love your life anymore? Everything that doesn't allow you to perceive, to know, to receive the possibility of actually enjoying your life and getting to have the freedom to have that choice, times a godzillion, would you destroy and uncreate all? P & P
你還要假裝自己多久,其實你根本不熱愛生命? 所有不允許你覺察、理解、接收熱愛生命的所有可能性及所有選擇的自由性,所有乘以比天曉得的更多倍,你是否願意通通摧毀、撤銷、並永不再創造? P&P。
I love my life because I suppose to ..... You don't have to pretend to LOVE your life anymore.
AC tools show you that you can change things right now. You don't have to wait to be able to change !
What have you decided and defined the choice is that it isn't? Everything that is, times a godzillion, would you destroy and uncreate all ? P & P
你決定並定義了什麼樣的選擇非如你所想的? 所有乘以比天曉得的更多倍,你是否願意通通摧毀、撤銷、並永不再創造? P&P。
What you have decided "Choice isn't that it actually is". Everything that is, times a godzillion, would you destroy and uncreate all ? P & P
你所決定的"選擇並非如實所想",所有乘以比天曉得的更多倍,你是否願意通通摧毀、撤銷、並永不再創造? P&P。
What do you have to pretend that you don't love your life anymore? Everything that doesn't allow you to perceive, to know, to receive the possibility of actually enjoying your life and getting to have the freedom to have that choice, times a godzillion, would you destroy and uncreate all? P & P
你還要假裝自己多久,其實你根本不熱愛生命? 所有不允許你覺察、理解、接收熱愛生命的所有可能性及所有選擇的自由性,所有乘以比天曉得的更多倍,你是否願意通通摧毀、撤銷、並永不再創造? P&P。
I love my life because I suppose to ..... You don't have to pretend to LOVE your life anymore.