【Shanon O'Hara TTTE - 7 Days of Ghost Stories D5 Summery】


第五日主要是分享東方族群多數相信或評判靈體的力量遠比自己強很多(stronger and powerful than you),所以無法停止或控制這些靈體。而與靈對話,就是想要解除或消除這些限制性你關於靈體的觀點,靈體並沒有比你強大,或你總是相信祂們的力量遠比你強大。尤其是因為文化、歷史背景等相信邪惡力量存在且總是無比強大的群族集文化,覺得自己無法被賦能或強化自己的能力。但香濃認為,自己的能量能強過於邪惡的力量、邪惡的靈體或帶有惡意的人類,這些是因為【你自己】所願意做出的選擇是什麼,相信自己的選擇!!!


What choice can you make to make you believe in yourself that you are stronger and empowered than any of the evil spirits, mean spirits, demons, entities and mean people that you think to obstruct you to understand, feel and clear it, everything that dose not allow that, times a godzillion, will you destroy and uncreate all please. P & P.

You are empowered to have all the gifts and powers within yourself to live the way you want and to communicate with all the entities (space, ghosts, spirits, animals, plants, lands etc....), also to have the choices to making those evil spirits, mean spirits, mean people ain't showing up in your life anymore.
So what choices can you be making ?

你可以做出什麼樣的選擇,來使自己相信你比任何邪靈、惡鬼、惡魔、其他所靈體及卑鄙的人類等,都堅強並被賦予力量,你認為所有會阻礙你理解,感覺、消除和不允許的這一切,乘以比天曉得的那麼多倍,你是否願意通通撤銷、摧毀並永不再創造? P&P。



